Confidential Insurance Archeology®

PolicyFind searches historical insurance coverage and reconstructs coverage to find additional funds to help attorneys defend their clients against claims

Did you know that historical commercial general liability insurance policies are valuable assets that can be worth millions of dollars in the form of paying for legal fees, settlements, and damages? Historical insurance assets can protect the policyholder from lawsuits and administrative orders, and in many cases, can be worth cash.

Our Confidential Insurance Archeology® services use a multiline approach to develop leads to historical insurance assets. We conduct corporate history research, identify potentially responsible parties, and reconstruct historical insurance coverage. We locate lost or mislaid insurance documents, or evidence of policy, and present an array of available insurance assets over time. The rebuilding of historical insurance coverage can limit the liability of individual clients and their carriers, and initiate coverage from additional policies, thereby creating a larger reservoir of monies for equitable allocation. 

A well conducted Insurance Archaeology project can provide literally millions of dollars in defense costs and indemnity to beleaguered business owners faced with response costs for injuries and damages occurring under previous management but surfacing recently. The retrieval or reconstruction of a lost or misplaced CGL insurance policy can protect a company from serious financial loss and sometimes save a company from bankruptcy.


Coverage Chart

Our coverage charts provide a depiction of which policies were in place during each policy period. This insurance chart shows coverage purchased from a variety of different carriers. All of these past policies, issued to various individuals or businesses, contain hidden assets that can be used in legal defense against liabilities.

How We Help Attorneys

We help you find funds to defend against contamination, latent injury, asbestos, and toxic tort. Our attorney clients have received funding support from insurance companies that has ranged from hundreds of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars. 


“When old insurance policies are brought to the light of day, they put small business owners on the same playing field as governments and companies with deep resources.”
Brent Huber

Ice Miller LLP

“PolicyFind located coverage from the 1950s and 60s that opened up another avenue of possible insurance recovery for one of our clients to explore.”
Damian Arguello

Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP


About PolicyFind’s Confidential Insurance Archeology® 

  • We’ve found over $4 billion dollars in usable insurance assets. 
  • We have over 85% success rate at locating policies or evidence of historical insurance policies.  
  • We have one of the largest specimen policy libraries to ground truth evidence of coverage and help reconstruct potentially missing portions of polices. 
  • We conduct insurance archeology throughout the United States. 

Our team includes insurance archeologists, private investigators, claims managers, and insurance industry experts with years of dedicated experience at locating and interpreting insurance policies.  

Request Your Confidential Consultation